Thursday, May 24, 2018

Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Na na na na na nana)

May 24, 2018

Will Smith posted a video on Instagram the other day of him in the studio for the first time in 13 years. Granted, the video was to clear up divorce rumors, but the 90s tween inside me was already jumping up and down.

I love the 90s. They were THE BEST! You could understand rap songs, FRIENDS was fresh and not in reruns yet, Umbro shorts and tall tube socks were all the rage, and Dunkaroos still existed. I have no idea on the "important" stuff like political climate or the economy (I was 10 years old in 1994), but I do know Bill Clinton played the saxophone with Fleetwood Mac, and I pretended to know every single word to the Macarena...even the Spanish ones.

So, let's reminisce about how awesome the 90s were together. Grab a Surge and "hold onto your butts!"

Speaking of Surge...
This sugary concoction could turn up any 6th grade Christmas party in a matter of minutes. It was my favorite for about a month because that's seriously all your digestive system could take.

Hanson. Ok, I'm super biased because I was going to marry Taylor, but they were awesome. And news flash, they're still awesome.

Plaid skirts. Baby doll dresses. Platform tennis shoes. Butterfly clips. OMG. Take me back! Thankfully, the current generation of teens think this stuff is all new, so places like Forever 21 and H&M are starting to carry them again! This article sums up everything that was truly wonderful, and this collage of Rachel Green sums it pretty nicely.

Will Smith. Come on...the Fresh Prince! Big Willie Style was the only rap album I've ever (and will ever) owned.

Tamagotchis and Giga Pets. Mine was a Little Mermaid Giga Pet! I have no idea what happened to it, and I'm pretty sure I killed Ariel. 😑

I could seriously write a thousand blogs about my favorite things as a 90s kid. I haven't even gotten to Barbie yet, and I could probably write a small book about Ms. Barbara Millicent Roberts.

What are some of your 90s favorites?

Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Na na na na na nana)

May 24, 2018 Will Smith posted a video on Instagram the other day of him in the studio for the first time in 13 years. Granted, the video...