Friday, May 19, 2017

There's gotta be something more...

May 18, 2017

Do you ever feel like you were meant for something great, but you just can't figure out what it is? Before I fell head first into Jesus, I always thought I was meant to be a celebrity. I mean, I have a funny accent, big hair, and I'm hilarious. Ok, that last one is debatable. But! I just knew some indie producer would see me one day and be blinded by my Southern charm and put me in his next Sundance feature. Hey, a girl can dream.

But when I decided to live for Him instead of just myself, my sights lifted from Hollywood stardom to ministry. God has given me many gifts, and I need and want to share them. I want to help. I want to lead people to Him. I want to show those who may not believe or are skeptical of Christians that a life with Him is a life worth living. However, choosing a ministry can be daunting. When I do something, I want to give it my all. I want to make sure there's enough time and resources to dedicate. I barely see my husband or have time to clean our (extremely messy) house. How am I supposed to pledge my time to something else? How can I take the leap from spectator to player?

A lot of my hesitation is disbelief in myself. I would like to blame the devil for holding me back, but let's face it. He may want us to fail at life, but he's not the reason for every single thing that keeps you from doing what's right. That would've been really convenient though because now I realize that all my reservations are all on me. They're same reservations and doubts that keep me from getting up and going to the gym. The ones that keep me from saying yes to parties or lunch dates.  The ones that keep me from speaking up in Bible study (ok, that one doesn't  happen often, but it happens).  They seem so much louder than my ambitions at times, and I don't know how to quieten them.

What are some ways you build yourself up to work for God and help others? How do you tell your inner demons to hush, so you  can do what God has called us to do? I'm open for suggestions and some encouragement here, so feel free to put in your two cents!   If you're battling the same doubts, let's work together to put them in their place so we can minister to our communities. Maybe we'll come up with something more...something wonderful!

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