Saturday, September 9, 2017

Eyes (and Ears) on the Prize

September 9, 2017

For the past year, I've been listening to contemporary Christian music, pretty much exclusively, while I'm in the car - well, when the tiny dictators in the backseat aren't demanding to watch Trolls or Frozen. It's not because I think listening to pop music is wrong. It's just a preference for me right now.  Trust me, there are still times when I break out the ol' Hanson or Taylor Swift playlists I have on Spotify, but for the most part my radio is on J103.

Listening to worship music centers my soul. It helps me keep a Christian perspective in a world that wants me to turn everywhere but to Christ. I am, and have always been, easily influenced by music and marketing. In order for me to keep my eyes on the Savior, I have made certain changes to ensure the right things are influencing my mind, and ultimately my behavior. Music changes my demeanor. It changes the way I talk and what I talk about. So, it makes complete sense for me to switch gears away from the Top 40.

Last week, I downloaded both of Taylor Swift's new songs. While I wasn't too crazy about them in the beginning, I've been listening to them - instead of J103. They're now on repeat in my head. They're all I hear. As I drove home last night, I found myself flipping my tuner from J103 to KISS FM to see if they were on. When they weren't, I flipped over to the other Top 40 station. Still no Taylor Swift. Frustrated, I flipped back over to J103, like it was a chore. Upon sensing my irritation, I felt instant guilt. Why? Like I said, I don't think listening to Taylor Swift or any other pop music is wrong. But still, my heart felt completely conscience-stricken.

Turning into my street, I turned off the radio. In silence I started thinking about how flipping radio stations is the perfect metaphor for Christian living. Once you accept your salvation and place your faith in Jesus, you want to do better. You want to put your whole heart and focus toward Heaven. The more you learn of God's love and how wonderful His grace truly is, the better you want to be for Him. You want to worship. You want to pray. You want to become more like Jesus because He was perfect. But, the world you know still catches your attention. Your sinful nature still calls to you, because unlike Jesus, you are not perfect. You are easily tempted. There will be times you give in and "flip to a different station". There will be times your focus changes from the Holy One to something else.

But, we are lucky. Jesus didn't leave us here without help. He left us with the Holy Spirit. He is our guide and our advocate. He helps us navigate our new life after accepting Christ.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself interjects for us with wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts, knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with God's will. Romans 8:26-27

So, was my feeling of regret coming from the Spirit? Was he gently reminding me how easy it is for me to simply change stations and lose sight of what is truly most important to me? Honestly, I think so, and once again I am grateful for his guidance. He knows my heart and habits. He knew the difference between my casual station flip and this new, calculated one. He realized I needed to get back on the right station before I made any changes that would distance me from God.

With all this being said, I'm going to reiterate that my listening to contemporary Christian radio is a personal choice. I'm not in any way, shape, or form judging anyone for listening to Top 40. Every single one of us is different, which means we all have to make different changes during our walk with God. I will still be buying the new Taylor Swift album. Heck, in two weeks I'm going to the 25th Anniversary Hanson tour when they stop in Atlanta. I will scream like a teenage girl, and I will be ridiculously happy about it. But, I will keep my mind and heart attuned to the Spirit because he knows my weaknesses better than I do.

Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Na na na na na nana)

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