Tuesday, April 24, 2018

No Gifts Necessary

April 24, 2018

While perusing Facebook last week, I came across a mom blog titled "5 Things You Should Know About a 'Please, No Gifts' Birthday Party". The blog (originally posted here) immediately caught my attention. My youngest turns two on Saturday, and I had just put "Gifts are not necessary! Just come and have fun!" on the invites, and I genuinely meant it. 

As I read the post, a sense of validation came over me. So, other moms are over birthday presents too? I'm not mean and horrible for asking people not to bring my child presents? It's like I was getting a virtual high five. Don't get me wrong. I am super grateful we have friends and family that adore our children enough to buy them gifts, but our house is out of control. We have more toys than we have room, and I'm worried our children are going to turn into that Ryan kid from YouTube, if we aren't more careful. 

When I tell you not to bring any toys, I truly mean it. Trust me. Our children are not deprived. They'll get gifts from us and grandparents. But from friends and extended family, they don't need things. They just need fun! Come and play the games. Come and stuff yourself with food (because our parties always have killer spreads). Come and eat a plate full of cupcakes. One of my favorite birthday memories is watching my friends stuff french fries up their noses while my mom took pictures of them and everyone laughed until they cried. I can't remember a single gift I got that day, but I can remember how ridiculously awesome that party was. (Did I mention my mom took pictures?)

If you just absolutely can't stand coming without something, take the original blogger's advice and bring something like one of the following:

  • A card your child has colored, glued, cut and made just for the birthday kiddo
  • A card that sings or lights up
  • One (1) balloon – could even be new, uninflated balloon taped to a homemade card!
  • A printed photo or hand drawing of your child and the birthday boy/girl
  • A “coupon” for a playdate
I guarantee you my children will love any of these, and I'm pretty sure any other child will too. Let's show our kids how to enjoy the moments because I promise they'll thank us for it later. 

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