Thursday, April 5, 2018

Parent Fail 101

April 5, 2018

This morning, as I'm wrestling my nearly two year old during a diaper change, my four year old comes running in the room. He's naked as a jaybird and waving his tiny underpants in the air while yelling, "Look! They've got Buzz Lightyear on them!" After declaring how amazing they were, he sat down and immediately started pulling them up his little legs. For most kids, putting on your underwear is a pretty normal ritual. Around ages 2-3, children have developed the basic gross motor skills needed to dress themselves. By ages 4-5, they usually put on their own shoes and socks. For my kiddo, it's just not happening, and we (his parents) are totally the reason why.

He was our first. We were very naive and very busy. We both worked and were usually scrambling to get from one place to the next. In the process, we ended up doing everything for this child. We fed him. We dressed him. We cleaned up for him. And now, we're kicking ourselves a little bit. Dressing a 43 pound, 3 and 1/2 foot toddler is a major workout and can be extremely frustrating. So, when he put his underwear on right side out and not backwards this morning, I saw it as an opportunity. "Alright man! Good job! You did that so well. Do you think you could go find some pants and put those on too?" He was in his room sifting through drawers before I had finished the question.

He ran back with a pair of shorts in hand and pulled them on all by himself. He was super proud of himself, so I directed him to his shirts. He picked one out and brought it too me. He also picked out shoes and socks. He needed help with all three, but I didn't care. He fought half the battle without putting up a fuss, and I was ecstatic! What made it even better was seeing what pieces he had picked out for himself. His shorts were navy, and he had picked a black, Lightning McQueen shirt. His socks were gray and covered in Pokemon, and he requested to wear his favorite navy boots. The final touch was a straw fedora with a blue and white ribbon covered in stars.

It's really tough to admit a parenting fail. In doing so, we have to own up to making a mistake, and people just love doing that don't they? I know this is my fault, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Instead, we're going to learn from it. We're gonna work on it one small step at a time!

What's something you wish you had done differently? Share it and help other parents in their journey!

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