Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thank You for this wonderful day!

January 12, 2017

Today has been a day that just makes me want to throw up. Everything seems to be going ok. I'm up on time, I'm ready on time, both kids are in a good mood...then BAM! The day turns upside down.

7:45 AM: I get the first call in from the restaurant. Story of my life. No big deal. I'll go in and handle it. At least it's not one of the core positions.

4:34 PM: The first shift dishwasher quits because of a misunderstanding.

7:30 PM: Oldest son pees out of his pull-up and refuses to leave the restaurant kitchen.

7:40 PM: Husband thinks I'm angry at him. (I'm not.) He insists I am "bitching" at him. (His words. But, I'm definitely not - though in his defense, I tend to have a rushed/impatient tone. I'm working on this, but I can see sometimes how it would come off wrong.)

7:41 PM: I immediately start crying in the restaurant parking lot upon hearing that I'm "bitching".

7:42 PM: I immediately start choking on phlegm from all the crying and cry more.

8:05 PM: I make a busboy cry. (Ok. This one wasn't my fault. It was his girlfriend's fault, but I accidentally and completely unintentionally set it off.)

My anxiety level has been through the roof. If you look at my FitBit app, you can see my heart rate spike in between 4-5 PM and 6-8 PM. Even now, my resting BPM is super high.

I'm so ready for this day to end, but I need to reflect. As Lysa TerKeurst would say, I need to find thanks in the yuck. This is the day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

So what. It's been a bad day. Most people would look at this day and tell me to suck it up. Heck, I'm looking at this day and wondering why I'm being so whiny.

Philippians 4:4-7 says, " Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God,which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

So, let's stop whining and come to God with thanksgiving. 

6:53 AM: The baby wakes up and wants to eat and play. I didn't set my alarm and needed to be up by 7 AM. Not only did I get up early, but I also got extra baby snuggles. 

7:20 AM: The skinny vanilla syrup I made yesterday doesn't suck, and my oatmeal turns out tasting like my great grandmother's used to taste. Yum!

8:45 AM: The toddler wakes up in a great mood! Huzzah! 

9:40 AM: Contemporary Christian Radio on Pandora is really on point today. (I am currently obsessed with Big Daddy Weave.)

12:45 PM: The corn on the buffet is ridiculously good. Freshly shucked corn tastes magical. 

2:00 PM: I get to start a Bible study I've been wanting to try. It starts beautifully and gets me into reading Psalms. Again, I realize how much I love reading the Bible. God's holy word is so refreshing and such a blessing. I'm so glad I chose to stop saying "but, I don't get it" and start reading and making an effort outside of church. My life has changed so much because of it. 

4:40 PM: Regular customer sits at the table where I've been doing my study and wears my glasses as he waits for me to notice he came in while I was in the kitchen. It literally minutes for me to notice he was there, and it was hilarious. 

5:30 PM: The best father-in-law returns to the restaurant and gives me a hug. He's been doing this for 37 years. He totally gets it. 

6:45 PM: We're finally busy! Thank you 60 degree weather in December!

8:09 PM: We close. That speaks for itself after this day. :)

Look at that. That's a good day. Thank you, Lord! Thank you for this wonderful day. I come to you humbled and tired. I come praising you in all your glory. Thank you!

Every single day, I wake up and thank God for another day on this earth. If I could only remember to carry that thanks with me, I will overcome those minutes that make my blood pressure measure off the charts (literally). It will be a learned habit for sure, but it will be greatly needed and comforting.

In the words of my all time favorite on-screen heroine, "Afterall, tomorrow is another day." (Scarlett O'Hara)

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