Thursday, February 16, 2017

I don't want to grow up.

February 16, 2017

Isn't it funny how little kids always want to be grown ups and grown ups always want to be little kids? Adulting is hard, y'all. Some days, I just can't do it. I'll put on leggings, my "I Can't Adult Today" t-shirt, put on zero makeup, and resign myself to eating cookies all day. Real real adult life can kick you right in the tail sometimes. Bills, appointments, work and family schedules, health issues....broccoli...are all here to make our lives just miserable.  How do we combat this misery?

Normally, I would buy the biggest latte I could find and gorge myself on chocolate chip cookies. Since getting into Bible study, I've definitely started taking a different approach. Now, I'm not gonna lie. The latte is still part of my new approach. I love lattes. However, I now reach for my Bible instead of the Chip Ahoy because God's Word tells us everything we need to know about combating misery. My friend (and awesome Bible study leader) Julia calls it life's handbook. I can think of no better comparison.

The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) follow Jesus during His time on earth. If you don't want to read anything else in the Bible or you're not a believer, I fully encourage you to read the gospels.  As someone who has been a believer for the majority of her life, it's super embarrassing for me to say that I just started reading these books at the end of last year. Now that I'm studying them, I am blown away by what I've been missing, and I absolutely have to share how these books are getting me through life. Jesus was inspiring when He was here. He did remarkable things and spoke about the spiritual life with such zeal and confidence. Through His teachings, you can't help but love harder, show grace more often, and feel a peace that can't be found anywhere else.

In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us not to worry. We can't add a single hour to our lives through worry. (Matt 6:27). Jesus is all we need both physically and mentally (Matt 6:25-34). If we go to Him in prayer with thanksgiving and give all our worry and anxiety over to Him, He will provide for us. It may not be how you want Him to provide. Life may actually get harder before it gets better, but His plan is always in motion. He will stick with you as long as you stick with Him. Seriously, read the last part of Joshua and all of Judges. If God continues to have Israel's back after all they do, He will always be with all of us. Knowing this gives me amazing comfort. The majority of my worries have melted away since learning more about the Heavenly Father and the Son, but sometimes life breaks me down. I let my guard down, and Satan tries to break down the comforting walls God has built up around my heart and mind. He ramps up my anxiety and tries to make me forget the One who loves me and cares for me.

For example: yesterday, I cleaned up toddler vomit out of my bed, toddler poop out of my bathroom floor, and wiped up more snot than I care to mention. I started to lose it around 5 o'clock. I became anxious and could feel my heart rate increasing. I made the decision to stop and pray. I had to pray hard - real hard. I thanked God for my boys and allowing me to be their mom. I thanked God for the love and grace He covers me with even when I've allowed myself to become overwhelmed. I asked for comfort, peace, and relief. As my heart rate started to come back down, my mom walked through the door like a prince on a white horse. She took the toddler, gave me Tylenol, and let me go run errands. She was actually later than normal, but God knew when to send her. In no way am I comparing my #momlife to the trials Israel faces in Joshua and Judges. I am, however, trying to point out that there is no problem too big or too small for God. He goes before us and combats the enemy who takes all forms. We have nothing to fear.

So, when life throws you a curve ball. Pick up your Bible and read about Jesus. Pray and be thankful for this life...even if it kinda sucks at the moment. Give glory to God in everything you do, even if it's cleaning poop off your Kate Spade shower curtain. If you still want to curl up on the couch and watch Netflix after, that's ok too. God understands that we need to recharge. But, if we recharge with Him, we'll only have to binge one season of Fuller House instead of both. ;)

And if you need a laugh (and possible Netflix recommendation), go watch Hook. It'll remind you that being a grown up isn't all it's cracked up to be. Remember to love and let others love you! That's something we can all get behind!

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