Sunday, April 9, 2017

Think of a Wonderful Thought

March 9, 2017

(Full disclosure: I started this on March 9th and didn't finish it until a month later. Adulting is hard.)

A little over a week ago, our family made the trek to Walt Disney World. It wasn't our first time, and it certainly won't be our last. I initially wrote a "Countdown to Disney" blog, but I thought it was a bit trite, so it's long gone. If my boys read this later, I want them to truly understand what these trips with them and my husband mean to me. The initial countdown just wasn't doing it for me. So, here we go.

My husband and I have been to Disney more times than we can count. I completely understand this isn't the norm. Disney vacations are not the cheapest of vacations, and we are very grateful for the trips we've been able to experience. Phillip's trips started much earlier than mine and came more frequent. Before we were engaged, I had been 3 times. One of those was with family, and the other two were with our high school marching band. After high school, we both went with some friends on our senior trip, and I'm pretty sure we've been almost every year since.

In 2003, we were engaged in front of Cinderella Castle during one of the first showings of Wishes. In 2005, we were married at Disney's Wedding Pavilion.

In 2012, we found out we were having our oldest while staying at Pop Century Resort. In 2013, we announced his pending arrival. 

Little brother was announced in Fantasyland in 2015. 

Both boys have now been multiple times. They've both experienced first haircuts at Harmony Barbershop. They've both had magical moments with Cast Members and characters. They've both thrown up either on the way down to or on the way back from Florida. (Thanks little dudes.)

During this last trip, I had a moment of realization and complete bliss. Of course, I immediately posted it on Instagram....because #2017.

I seriously don't know why God chose this place for us. It's brought so much happiness to our little family, and I love it so much. My only hope is that our boys can understand it's more than just a theme park to us. It's the setting for our story. It's our movie backdrop. It's a happy thought.  


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