Thursday, April 27, 2017

Pixar is giving me all the feels.

April 26, 2017

For a 32 year old woman, I have a lot of sentimental emotions for Lightning McQueen. Yes, you read that right. I said, Lightning McQueen - as in Ka-Chow - as in #95 - as in a computer animated, precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics. If you still have zero clue what I'm referring to here, I'm talking about the animated race car from the Pixar/Disney movie series, Cars.

Lightning is a cherry red stock car with a bad attitude that gets stuck in a small town full of some fun characters that eventually help him see what's really important about life. It's a great story, and it's fun to watch. But, this isn't why I'm talking about a fictional race car.

This is why. 

This precious little dude is obsessed with Cars. Cars 1 and 2 are his favorite movies. He owns almost every single die cast model from the movies and the Cars Toons shorts. He has hats, shirts, shorts, tennis shoes, luggage, towels, bed sheets, furniture, curtains, pajamas, and even toddler briefs that feature the faces of Lightning McQueen and friends.  He knows all the racers and Radiator Springs crew names by memory. And, bless his heart - he goes around humming the instrumental theme song to Cars 2. 

This kid is invested 100% into the Cars franchise. He asks me if we can go to the World Grand Prix at least 3 times a week. When we found out Cars 3 was happening, we all got ridiculously excited. The teaser trailer came out at the end of last year. As soon as the link was live, we piled up on the couch and crowded around my phone to watch. Cars raced around a track. The animation was better than ever. It looked super real. All of a sudden tires start screeching. McQueen is up in the air, upside down, eyes closed, and breathing what may possibly be his last breath. My little dude's face turns cold, and his eyes are huge. Tears are beginning to form as he quietly, but frantically says, "Oh no....mommy?" It's too late. I'm crying. 

Come on Pixar! What have you done? I. Am. FREAKING. Out! How did I just let me 3 year old watch his favorite Disney character of all time and all around hero have a horrible, life changing accident in vivid animation? I couldn't get the trailer to go away fast enough. He was so upset, and I felt like dirt. His little eyes were still watery as I explained that Lightning just had an accident because he was running too fast and would totally fine. After a few minutes, all was well, and we was off to something else. I, however, was not fine. Why was I crying? Could the death of an animated race car seriously bring me to my knees? The answer to that question is "most definitely yes". Not because of my love for McQueen, but because of my love for my little guy. 

Isn't it funny how we, as mothers, completely lose ourselves sometimes in our kids? I would do absolutely anything to make sure McQueen is okay in this next movie. I will straight up march on Pixar if he's not! No sir, John Lasseter. You will not be making my baby cry today. I'm laughing as I write this, but it is so true. Why else would I watch Cars 2 a thousand times in a row without blinking an eye. Is it because I really think the concept of Mater being a spy is awesome? Most definitely not. (I'm really hoping Cars 3 pretends Cars 2 didn't happen.) It's because I love that child and never want him to hurt. I'm not completely naive. He'll feel these emotions one day. But, I will do my best to get him through them fairly unscathed. 

Crying along with my toddler over a cartoon makes me think of Jesus crying over the death of Lazarus. His compassion is definitely something to emulate. Being more like Jesus is something I strive for on a daily basis. I fail...a lot. When I triumph, I praise the Father for sending us such a wonderful example. 

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
Ephesians 5:1-2

One of my constant prayer requests is to be more compassionate. I guess it's only fitting that God used a Disney character to teach me lesson. He definitely gets me.

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