Thursday, February 2, 2017

A letter to my boys...

February 2, 2017

My sweet boys,

We live in a fiercely imperfect world. People aren't always kind and respectful. Chivalry isn't the forethought of many. Beliefs are persecuted and ridiculed for not following popular opinion. But! Amidst the chaos, we have a constant. We have God. No matter how sinful and ridiculous the world gets, He's there. He's always watching. He loves abundantly and blesses us continuously - whether we realize it or not. His mercy and grace, unlike your fellow man's, will never run out. (Psalm 145:8)

You're my sons, and I expect you to live like the Father's Son. No, you're not going to be perfect. Goodness gracious, no. You will make mistakes. That's how you learn. However, you are going to be kind. You're going to be respectful. You're going to show compassion and love others, even when they clearly do not love you. You will show grace and mercy to everyone around you. (Mark 6-8) You will be chivalrous. You will love God with all your heart and carry that love with you to teach to the next generations. (Psalm 78:6) In doing so, you will be the breath of fresh air this world needs.

You (and anyone else on this earth) can do anything you set your mind to, as long as you put the work into it. Don't let anyone tell you can't do something because of where you're from, your religious beliefs, your gender, your family background, or your net worth. Be strong and courageous. (Joshua 1:9) I want you to have big dreams and work hard for them. Don't expect handouts. Dig in and get your hands dirty. Remember to thank God for the progress you make and blessings you receive. God is the one who provides for us. Don't forget that. (If you do, read the book of Joshua. You'll figure it out real quick.)

Respect everyone. Don't ever look down on someone because of their gender, race, or financial circumstances. We are ALL children of the King, and we should all be treated as such. Open doors. Say hello and smile. Shake hands. Pay for the order behind you. Offer prayer. Lift people up, and watch their demeanor change as they feel God's love wash over them.

Find good girls who love you more than I do (good luck with that one). Make sure they love Jesus and are as kind as you should be. Find strong girls who have worked hard on their dreams and will support you through thick and thin. Find girls who will pray with you and be your best friend. Marry them and keep your vows.

Tell your wife you love her every single day. Pray for her every single day. Marvel at her when she makes you a father. (It's hard work. Trust me. I'll be holding it over your heads for pretty much the rest of your life so you'll know what to expect when the time comes. You're welcome.) Grow strong with each other. Date continually. Keep what made you first fall in love ALIVE.

Don't worry. Ever. (Matt 6:27) Don't be anxious. Ever. (Phil 4:4-7)  Don't argue with people when they disagree with you. Don't be resentful. (2 Tim 2:23) Be yourself, but make sure you are following what is pure, lovely, commendable, and honorable. (Phil 4:8) If you're a complete dork, be a dork. Own that limited edition Nissan Rogue One (shout out to your dad!). Know all the Disney songs by heart. Watch Star Trek and read Harry Potter. Dress up for midnight premieres and know all the members of the Fellowship of the Ring. If your a jock, be a jock. Work hard. Practice. Endure the loses and praise God for the wins. Build up your team(s) and work for that MVP. Just be you.

I'm going to love you so hard for your entire life and then some. I'm going to do my part in making both of you wonderful and loving young men. I'm going to ugly cry at ALL of your graduations. I'm going to ugly cry at both of your weddings. If you sass me, you're gonna get in trouble. If you do stupid stuff, you're gonna get in trouble. If your grades start slipping because of laziness, you're gonna get in trouble. You will definitely get mad at me, but you'll forgive me and get over. (Matt 6:14-15)

I will make mistakes. All mothers do. None of us are perfect. But, I promise to learn from them and keep on swimming. God made me your mom. Through prayer and with a lot of caffeine, I will do the best job I can possibly do. God made you YOU, and I expect you to do the best job you can possibly do.


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